roll in


roll in 的定义

v. 动词 verb

  1. to arrive in abundance or in large numbers
  2. informal to arrive at one's destination
  3. informal to abound or luxuriate in
  4. hockey to return to play after it has crossed the touchline

roll in 近义词

roll in

等同于 arrive

roll in

等同于 reach

roll in

等同于 teem

roll in

等同于 turn in

roll in

等同于 turn up

roll in

等同于 pullulate

roll in

等同于 come

roll in

等同于 appear

更多roll in例句

  1. This is a guy who has his son-in-law clean his eyeglasses, for crying out loud.
  2. Her travel clique has been known to arrive at an airport, bags packed, passport-in-hand, within hours of spotting a deal.
  3. I think 2014 was my big rock and roll year, and 2015 is gonna be a really good year to hang around the house.
  4. Earl Spencer adds, “Effectively, my great-grandfather sold his children to his father-in-law.”
  5. The lack of a gun is not likely to be a major problem for close-in air-to-air dogfights against other jets.
  6. Such throats are trying, are they not?In case one catches cold; Ah, yes!
  7. If those jaspers flash any part of the roll in the Territory before snowfall, I'll get them.
  8. The commander-in-chief still kept him attached to the headquarter staff, and constantly employed him on special service.
  9. While you were admiring the long roll of the wave, a sudden spray would be dashed over you, and make you catch your breath!
  10. So far Murat had always held subordinate commands; his great ambition was to become the commander-in-chief of an independent army.